Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's all a fuckin' joke.

I just got back from watching the Watchmen (heh) and I truly enjoyed it, I knew I would. I have been seeing stuff about people bitching about the story and the character depth, that's really sad yea know. People want character depth and shit and when a movie comes out that not only has that plus, PLUS, great CG and affects all they can do is bitch cause there was too much story, fuck them. Yes, understandably that alot of the depth would be better perceived from the graphic novel, but then again people don't complain about it when they read those, now do they? People just don't like that which they do not understand.

I promise no spoilers if anyone reading this has neither read or seen the Watchmen. But I will say that I was 100% understanding of Dr. Manhattan. Not to that extreme, but understanding none the less. I will also say that the movie was at least 90% of the comic, which is awesome cause the only things that were cut were bits and pieces of dialogue that wasn't really important and a couple of parts were a bit sensationalised for the movie audience, they really didn't need to but with today average movie goer, well the average movie goer has the patience of a gnat. I, for one, love a long movie... Yes yes yes, I do want it to keep me enthralled and keep me part of the reality the movie is projecting, but that doesn't necessarily mean it need super special affects and tons of money put into it. I recently watched a movie called Intermission, an Irish movie with Colm Meeney, aka Miles O'Brien from Star Trek which is the only reason I picked it up but it turned into a really good fucking movie. It didn't have a massive budget and super affects and it kept me wanting more.

I give the Watchmen an A, and I give the naysayers a big fuck off.

Now, onto the soundtrack used, it was interesting. Good songs were used, such as MCR's cover of Desolation Row, which was a good cover don't get me wrong. But in the movie itself (MCR was in the credits) the songs felt.... I dunno off, good for the era it was in, but the timing I think was the part that was off, I dunno I doubt I could do better so who am I to fucking judge.

There were two really cute girls there, the bad part was that I was at the theater with my damned Mother, so I didn't wanna walk over and say hi. I only asked her to come along cause it was her car id've been borrowing. I actually wanted to go alone cause I knew she wouldn't get the movie, and she just annoys me in general, if you knew my mother you would know what I mean.


Well, that's it for that, I am going to eat my over cooked steak and potato and mentally review what I have just seen.

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