Saturday, March 21, 2009


Woo for uneventful weeks! The only things this week had to offer was the final episode of BSG (OMG! was it a doozy) and news of Bioshock 2 and all kinds of rumors around it I'm not even going to get into, mainly cause i didnt know many of them.

I picked up Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and it is pretty fun even though I suck it up on the multiplayer aspect of it. But my calling has always been RPGs, so its not surprising I suck at the FPS genre. Other then me sucking at it, it was a fun single player campaign and I have a few friends from work that play online and got me a few ranks, seeings how they are like max rank or whatever.

Another thing I had a laugh at was the Pres refering his bowling game to the special olympics, I KNEW he was gonna catch shit for that. I mean the Pres saying something the average guy would say among his guy friends! GASP! OMG HES A GUY AFTERALL!! Anyway, Palin was "shocked" by it, that dumb cunt couldnt fight her way out of a wet paper bag and shes appalled by a the Pres's premark, get over it people.

Anyway, thats it for now.

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