Friday, September 4, 2009

Updates ftw

Holy shit, I haven't been on here in what seems like forever... I have been terribly busy with looking for work which I finally got, having and awesome time with this chick I met a month ago, and trying not to spend too much money...

Update I guess, I was going to move but didn't cause the "friend" I was going to roommate with was being a douche, so that's why I was jobless.

The chick I met is... well, the greatest creature on the planet. To put it mildly. Shes a total geek, she likes most of the things I like, she can cook(!), and she enjoys my company. I put that last part in there because even I hate my own company most times. I met her at a bar actually, not in a one night stand thing or anything, but an actual exchange of numbers/IM handles thing. If you wanna check her out my Myspace is around here somewhere I believe and shes in my tope friends, if my Myspace isnt here... then tough shit.

But thats about it really , now piss off.

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